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单价: 0.67元/个
起订: 1000 个
供货总量: 1000000 个
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 7 天内发货
所在地: 浙江 金华市
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2016-08-13 12:05
浏览次数: 883

本公司专业生产发泡球类玩具礼品以及仿真球类钥匙扣,如有需要欢迎来电查询。因产品多为订制,所以网上报价只作为参考,具体价格按询价具体要求再作详细报价。产品特点:球面光滑,颜色鲜艳,弹力好,手感舒适,能印上,适合于各个行业PU发泡玩具环保、低碳、安全。儿童相互嬉戏,投掷。不会伤着对方和其他物体,此为安全;可通过欧盟EN71和中国3C认证,此为环保;倡导绿色、低碳经济。本产品生产过程严格按照ISO 14000环境质量管理体系;【促销赠品】可订做印刷企业LOGO,提升企业形象,提高知名度;【儿童玩具】有弹力,做游戏时孩子间相互传递。增强趣味性。【成人发泄玩具】随着工业化进程加剧,竞争压力增大,心理压力也急剧上升,急需发泄对象,可把本产品握于手中可用力挤压或来回拍打(瞬间变回原形),可起到缓解压力的作用。【老人健身玩具】将本产品放于手心,练习手掌握力,可起到按摩神经,畅通经络的作用,可代替高强度的户外运动,普片用于健身,增强体力,智力等。【宠物玩具】可作个训宠工具,也适合于您和您家爱宠一起玩耍,增进感情,使您心情更加舒畅。........̥ the company specializing in the production of PU foam balls PU simulation toys, gifts and ball key chain, if there is need to welcome your inquiry. PU products are custom-made, so online quotation as a reference only, concrete price according to the specific requirements to make detailed inquiry quotation. Product features: smooth surface, bright color, good elasticity, comfortable feel, can print on the LOGO, suitable for various industries. The PU foam toys < environmental protection, low carbon, and security. Children's frolicking, throwing. Don't hurt each other, and other objects, this is a security; Can pass the European EN71 and China 3 c certification, for environmental protection; Advocate green, low carbon economy. This product production process in strict accordance with the ISO 14000 environmental quality management system; LOGO can be custom printed promotional giveaways 】 【 < enterprise, improve enterprise image, increase awareness; More elastic, children's toys 】 【 do game pass each other between children. Increase interest. 【 adult vent toys 】 along with the deepening process of industrialization, increased competitive pressure, psychological pressure also rose sharply, need to vent object, can be to hold this product to yank back and forth or flap (instantly back to prototype), can have the effect of stress relief. [elderly fitness toys] put this product on palm, hand grip strength, can have a massage, clear the role of channels and collaterals, but instead of the high strength in the outdoors, piece used for fitness, enhance physical strength, intelligence and so on. "Pet toys" as a training tool, also suitable for you and your family love dandle play, enhance feelings, make people feel more at ease.

 兴宏发(义乌)橡塑制品有限公司    18069971926周小姐QQ1912198682
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