BHZ8050防爆防腐转换开关 1;适用范围 ◆区 2区危险场所. ◆IIA IIB 类性气体环境. ◆*要求llC类的请注明. ◆温度组别;T1-T6. ■Application ◆Can be used in Zone l and Zone 2 dangerous places. ◆Can be used in IIA IIB group explosive gas environment. ◆*Please note if want llC or safety reinforced type . ◆。Temperatur classes;T1-T6. 2;产品特点 ◆铸铝合金铸造外壳,表面喷塑. ◆内装转换开关,用于电流60A以下的电气线路中,作为电源引入开关,并可控制电动机起动,变速,停止,换向等. ◆铜管或电缆布线均可. ◆要求llC类的请注明. ■Features ◆The shell is of diecasted Al-alloy with plastic-sprayed surface. ◆Inside is mounted conversion switch,rsed as power switch to control motor,adjust speed,convet direction in the ystem of not more than60A, ◆Use steeltubeor cable wiring. ◆Please note if want llC or safety reinforced type .