佛山市井达展览铝材厂是一家专业从事展览展示器材研发、生产销售为一体的工厂. 结合市场及客户的需求,为客户量身定做适合的产品。制作
八棱柱是现今应用比较广泛的展览型材,具有可拆装特点,专利产品,安全产品,八棱柱比较适用与展会搭建。还可以组装成多总产品,比如 展览屏风 隔断 房间 舞台 等等 各种产品。方柱:是类似产品,比较适合搭建特装房间,美观大方,方柱有4公分 6公分 8公分 10公分等,本公司还经营各种展览型材,配件,盖子,支脚,台板拖,三卡锁 三爪锁,活络拖架,展板PVC夹板,T扣,还扣,内六角扳手,轨道,压条,等等更多产品欢迎来电咨询井达人秉承'只有专业,才能卓越'的坚定信念,以更低的钱买更优质的产品。
Foshan City Exhibition aluminum material factory is a professional engaged in the exhibition display equipment R & D, production and sales as one of the factories . The combination of market and customer needs, tailored to customers for products. Make
Eight prism is exhibition profiles now widely used, with detachable characteristics, patent products, security products, eight prism is suitable and exhibition. Also can be assembled into more products, such as display screen partition room stage and so on a variety of products. Column: is similar products, more suitable for building special equipment room, beautiful generous, square column of 4 cm 6 cm 8 cm 10 cm, the company also operates a variety of exhibition materials, accessories, cover, feet, bedplate drag, three card lock three claw lock, adjustable bracket, panels PVC splint, T buckle buckle, also, in six angle wrench, track, layering, and so on more products are welcome to inquire well master adhering to the ' only professional, firm belief to excellence', to buy more quality products with less money.
Foshan City of exhibition equipment factory, welcome your cooperation!!