产物简介 往来来往式空压机和螺杆式空压机的排气温度都很高,前者达140度,后者也有70度摆布,有含有多量水分和油污,超出了后续净化设备的运行前提,所以必需进行降温除水处置惩罚。TSAL型后部冷却器出于采用了别致管制结构,使换热面积增大年夜,确保高温压缩空气能有用地冷却到额定温度。实用于高温,高湿,重尘情况。它是空压机不成少的配套设备。 The air outlet temperature of the reciprocating and screw cpmpressors are very high, theformer being 140 and the latter being 70 Both airs contain lots of water and oil vapor which are beyond the operating range of purification equipment in down stream. Therefor it is indispensable to make temperatrue-lowering and water-removing treatment. Adopting novel pipebundle struvture to enlarge the heta exchan-ging area.TSAL rear cooler enables high-temperature compressed air to efficently cool to a rated extent. It is widely used in high-gemperature. high-humidity and heavy- dust environment. It is an indispernsable supporting equipment for the compressor.
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